What Has Shaped Your Life?


I am interested in learning more about how other people’s lives have shaped them. What defines you, as you? Religion, culture, life experiences, location, choices (good and bad), influences, anything that has brought you to be the person you are today. No matter who you are or where you are in the world, I would like to hear your stories and learn from you. I only ask that we please respect the people and stories posted here (assuming people post), everyone has a right to share their story, and we might just learn something we didn’t know before.

What has shaped your lives? Post away in the comment section.

3 thoughts on “What Has Shaped Your Life?

  1. I don’t think I have one of those very interesting backgrounds or inspiring life story… One of the things that shaped me was bullying, not in a good way. I am insecure and have a lot of social anxiety (and anxiety in general) which keeps me from being 100% who I can be.
    But many things shaped me in a good way: reading made me wonder about the mysteries of life and opened my mind. A very recent change in my life was yoga, that is shaping me as well.
    Thank you for wanting people to share and I hope other people share something about themselves as well.

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    1. Thank you for being the first to share! And also thanks for bringing bullying to light, we don’t always understand or have concern for the lifelong effects our words and actions will have on others, in addition to the immediate effects. It is brave of you to share how bullying effected your life, and that is inspiring! And reading, is of course awesome. Has yoga been difficult to learn? I have heard good things about it but it looks like something requiring good coordination.

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      1. No, not at all, for example I have terrible balance, so the balancing postures are nearly impossible, but I just have a laugh and try again. I think the best thing about yoga is that doing yoga isn’t mastering the poses or doing it perfectly but connecting to our body and spirit, learning to accept where we are at, and doing our best from there. Thank you for being interested in my and other people’s experiences 🙂
        Lots of love!

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